
Hello, I am BlissIO, also known as shaolin|shaolingit|gitblissio. I am coder/programer, and I use linux as my daily driver currently i am on Archlinux with my own dwm rice. I sometimes use kde for wine since it works better than dwm. I am familliar with html, css, javascript, bash, zsh, C, and python.

I have now downgraded my system (not really)

# 2023 feb 15

It has been a long time since I posted any blogs or videos on y YouTube channel, and that is because I am nearing the end of 12th grade. But this didn’t stop me from using Linux and experimenting with a lot of different stuff since April 2022 I have switched operating systems more than ever I went from arch to artix to void to Debian and then back to windows.

I went back to windows since I was not happy with what Linux offered me at the time and all the bugs and hassles were getting in my way. I saw that I was no longer productive and exams were getting closer and closer, so I decided to hope back on the ship of abuse that is windows. Fast-forward to three days ago when I had artix installed on my machine with dwm as my window manager, I have decided I had enough of my machine getting in my way and decided to go back to what I knew best archlinux!! You thought I would say windows, huh.

But archlinux was too bare bones for me, so I decided to use Arch Linux it has a GUI installer with very good parameters I installed the base installation with nothing on it and chose, for the first time ever, budgie as my desktop environment. Let's just say I fell in love with it, and it has all I have wished for.

These past few days had been a delight for me, I can finally use my computer properly and get my work done I do not use any proprietary software other than my drivers and I can finally say with confidence I am never going back to windows if nothing bad happens in the futures.