Hello, I am BlissIO, also known as shaolin|shaolingit|gitblissio. I am coder/programer, and I use linux as my daily driver currently i am on Archlinux with my own dwm rice. I sometimes use kde for wine since it works better than dwm. I am familliar with html, css, javascript, bash, zsh, C, and python.
I am Rayane EL YASTI, aka shaolin/shaolingit. I am a 17 years old guy, who loves tinkering with Computers and Software.I have a youtube channel.
I am right now in the last year of highschool of wich I will be graduating in math sience, then I will be going for a computer science degree in the usa.
I live in Morocco, in a peacfull town, of wich i will not be naming, I love my country and will be supporting it always
I have great parents who are very supportive and always guide me throught my toughest times. They are the shining light that guides me every day, and i love them.
I am a religious person and i love and stand by my religion. I have tested it poked throught it and processed it throughout my yung years and it had never failed me, so I am stiking to it.
I love tinkering with machines at the software and harware level. In addition, I have perfeted the linux os, windows, and even bsd (openbsd and freebsd). I never had a problem with finding solution to my problems and even creating new ones as the journy progresses.
I easily loose track of time coding, programming or generally using linux and bsd. I use vim and suckless tools such as dwm, st,dmenu,surf,sent and any other and love fiddling with C code.
I am open to debate on any subject, even the ones wich i dont have much knowledge. I always take positions of power in every team I reside in. I also love doing charity work, and spread positivity around me.I have always been the judge of the class and the one to ask to solve all of your problems
I have a black belt in karate, and won 5 gold medals in championships. I believe in the balence of my spirit and my body, the ying and yang of life.
Thats all for today! Thank you, and god be with you.
- Check out my git repo on github and codeberg
- I also have a youtube channe.
- Here are some tools I use for my day to day programming:
- These are from sadgrl :